Related links - CISE
The European Commission’s official documents and other useful information about CISE can be found on its website under the section related to the Integrated Maritime Surveillance.
CISE related projects
Listed below are examples of other projects (ongoing or completed) whose objectives in one way or the other have CISE relevance. This information is given with the sole purpose of sharing knowledge amongst CISE stakeholders (the descriptions of the projects were provided by the projects’ coordinators).
Title of project: CONNECTOR “CustOms exteNded iNteroperablE Common informaTiOn shaRing environment”
Duration: 24 months (1 October 2023 – 30 September 2025)
Main objective and CISE relevance: CONNECTOR’s vision is to contribute to the European Integrated Border Management (EIBM) and to the EU Customs Action Plan by addressing the need of close cooperation between Customs, Border and Coast Guard Authorities within the current and upcoming challenging and demanding environment of borders’ control. This will be accomplished by further involving Customs to the Common Information Sharing Environment (CISE) network and Enhanced Common Information Sharing Environment (e-CISE) through the proposed Customs Extended Common Information Sharing Environment (CE-CISE) Data Model. CONNECTOR will implement an integrated, common, and shared risk assessment approach for all Border Management Authorities, considering the pan-EU common risk indicators per end user group (Customs, Border and Coast Guards Authorities including FRONTEX), to secure external EU borders from cross-border crime and ensure the seamless flow of travellers and goods.
Website link
Title of project: Empowering a Pan-European Network to Counter Hybrid Threats (EU-HYBNET)
Duration: 60 months (1 May 2020 – 31 April 2025)
Main objective and CISE relevance: EU-HYBNET (H2020, GA No 883054) brings together pan-European practitioners, stakeholders, academics, industry players, and SMEs to identify and analyse common challenges and requirements to counter hybrid threats. EU-HYBNET defines common requirements that can fill knowledge gaps, deal with performance needs, and enhance capabilities. It then delivers recommendations for uptake and industrialisation of the most promising innovations that address the needs of practitioners and determines priorities for standardisation.
EU-HYBNET partners have identified a potential innovation for critical infrastructure protection based on the CISE principles: creating a public-private information sharing network for collaborative investigations, collective actions and compliance with the CER Directive. The interoperability and compliance of this innovation with CISE is being explored to achieve the best results for both maritime situational awareness and critical infrastructure protection.
Website link:
Title of project: CISE’s operationalization launch through A Long Endurance and Real live Test" (CISE-ALERT Project)
Duration: 24 months (1 November 2022 – 31 October 2024)
Main objective and CISE relevance: CISE-ALERT project intends to launch CISE as an operational tool to increase the interoperability and cooperation of the EU actors involved in maritime surveillance missions by reinforcing the sharing of information. It is built around two main ideas:
- To test CISE in an operational environment.
- To ensure there are sufficient data, services and participants actually using CISE when it is operational.
CISE-ALERT Consortium includes a large sectorial representation. Consortium members will gather around one major ambition: shifting CISE from the current transitional phase to a state where CISE is an operational network. CISE-ALERT will end-up with a showcase event, where the guests will have the opportunity to observe the use of CISE.
Website link:
Title of project: AI-ARC “Artificial Intelligence based Virtual Control Room for the Arctic”
Duration: 30 months (September 2021 – February 2024)
Main objective and CISE relevance: The AI-ARC project's main objective is to create an innovative and user-friendly AI based platform that has the power to greatly improve maritime situational awareness, decision-making, communication, available rescue resources, and thus the safety of all maritime actors in the Arctic Sea. The AI-ARC solution will be particularly valuable for Coast and Border Guard Authorities, private communities and private enterprises, such as the fishing and cruise industries and commercial shipping. By enhancing capabilities of these end-users, AI-ARC partakes in the efforts of the EU to improve the management of EU borders, build secure societies, and protect the freedom and security of Europe and its citizens. The foreseen CISE - AI-ARC co-operation provides the possibility to extend the CISE connectivity with the Artic actors. Moreover, it provides new, AI based services for improving the EU level maritime situational awareness and the safety at sea.
Website link:
Title of project: PROMENADE “ImPROved Maritime awarENess by means of AI and BD mEthods”
Duration: 18 months (October 2021 – March 2023)
Main objective and the relevance for CISE: PROMENADE will improve solutions for vessel tracking, behaviour analysis and automatic anomaly detection of vessels, using means like Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Big Data (BD) technologies. An open, service-based toolkit implementing “state-of-the-art” AI/BD techniques benefiting from a High-Performance Computing platform (HPC) is the core activity of the project.
The challenge is twofold: a) the large-scale exploitation of heterogeneous data sources, enabling new artificial intelligence-based services for enhancing maritime situation awareness, b) the seamless integration and exchange of information among maritime authorities following the CISE data model as the main mean of data exchange and providing an Adaptor which allows integration and communication with a CISE Node.
The project’s developments will be demonstrated and evaluated in 3 operational trials (in Spain, Greece, and Lithuania) and 1 simulated trial defined by the Border Guards Authorities.
Website link:
Title of the project: InBulMarS 2 - Implementation of Integrated Bulgarian Maritime Surveillance (InBulMarS) based on Common Information Sharing Environment – CISE for EU’s maritime territory surveillance – with acronym InBulMarS 2
Duration: 30 months (August 2020 – February 2023)
Main objective and CISE relevance: The implementation of InBulmarS 2 project will increase maritime awareness for a safer, cleaner and more secure maritime environment, which is the basis for improving the quality of life and sustainable development along Europe's coastal areas. The improvements to maritime information exchange resulting from CISE will serve as a basis for developing the infrastructure and a graphic user interface to assist the authorities implementing integrated maritime policy in the Black Sea. This will help them take adequate measures and effectively monitor and control situations occurring in the sea basin, while ensuring a level of security that guarantees the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the data shared between them.
Title of the project: MEDOSMoSIS
Duration: 35 months (November 2019 – June 2022)
Main objective and CISE relevance: This project focuses on increasing both information exchange and cooperation between Member States, and involves 10 partners from 8 countries: Croatia, France, Greece, Italy, Montenegro, Portugal, Slovenia and Spain. The objective of MEDOSMoSIS is to develop a number of modules and applications related to Maritime Surveillance activities. It aims to facilitate information exchanges at local, regional and transnational levels and thus to enhance in-situ Situational Awareness in the Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic approaches. The project also explores the application of the current guidelines and capabilities of the ongoing evolution of the CISE data exchange model, and carries out pilot activities and capitalization actions to test, disseminate and distribute tools and protocols to project partners..
Website link:
Title of project: EFFECTOR “An End to end Interoperability Framework For MaritimE Situational Awareness at StrategiC and TacTical OpeRations”
Duration: 18 months (October 2020 – March 2022)
Main objective and CISE relevance: EFFECTOR aims to open the full capabilities of maritime surveillance systems and data sharing at tactical and strategic level by introducing applied solutions for enhanced border and external security, including (i) the implementation of a multilayered data lake platform for end-to-end interoperability and data exploitation, (ii) the exchange of enhanced situational awareness pictures at different level with CISE and EUROSUR, (iii) the adoption of interoperability standards for exploiting data sources and systems currently underutilized in maritime environment and (iv) the demonstration of new concepts and tools for knowledge extraction, semantic representation, data fusion, analytics, and federated querying that can scale from local to regional and up to national and transnational level. The EFFECTOR solution will be tested, validated and demonstrated in real operational scenarios together with maritime authorities, End Users and practitioners in France, Portugal and Greece.
Website link:
Title of project: H2020 ANDROMEDA "An EnhaNceD Common InfoRmatiOn Sharing EnvironMent for BordEr CommanD, Control and CoordinAtion Systems"
Duration: 18 months (September 2019 - February 2021)
Main objective and CISE relevance: ANDROMEDA aims to unlock the full potential of CISE, by validating in a long period of time CISE-compatible command & control systems from several Border and Coast Guard Authorities. It is envisaged to further enhance, validate and demonstrate CISE by extending its scope for Land Borders and adapting relevant C2 solutions and associated services. This will be accomplished by extending the CISE Data Model and adapting state-of-the-art C2s for full compliancy with the enhanced model and CISE message exchange patterns.
Website link:
Title of project: autonomous swarm of heterogeneous RObots for BORDER surveillance (ROBORDER)
Duration: 46 months (1 May 2017 – 28 February 2021)
Main objective and CISE relevance: ROBORDER aims at developing and demonstrating a fully functional autonomous border surveillance system with unmanned mobile robots including aerial, water surface, under water and ground vehicles which will incorporate multimodal sensors as part of an interoperable network. CISE data model is exploited as a common base of describing the identified events to properly share common information. For this objective, CISE model was extended to support land and enriched for maritime operations to cover the ROBORDER operational scenarios.
Website link:
Title of project: MARitime Integrated Surveillance Awareness (MARISA)
Duration: 34 months (May 2017 - February 2020)
Main objective and CISE relevance: MARISA provides security communities operating at sea with a data fusion toolkit, which makes available a suite of methods and techniques to correlate and fuse various data and information from different sources with the aim to improve information exchange, situational awareness, decision-making and reaction capabilities. MARISA has been designed to be compliant with CISE. Its interoperability with legacy solutions available across Europe has been tested in real exercises by using the EUCISE nodes made available by the MARISA end-users.
Website link:
Title of project: RANGER: RAdars for loNG distance maritime surveillancE and Search and Rescue opeRations
Duration: 44 Months (1 May 2016 – 31 December 2019)
Main objective and CISE relevance: RANGER created an innovative surveillance platform by combining ground-breaking radar (Over the Horizon and PE-MIMO) technologies with state-of-the-art early warning solutions in order to detect, track and identify vessels far beyond existing legacy systems. The RANGER system as a whole has been fully implemented, integrated, tested and validated in 4 pilot demonstrations in two areas in the Mediterranean Sea (in France and Greece), in real operational environments. RANGER was the first EU funded project that exchanged operational picture through CISE network with the Greek CISE node. All these results create new opportunities for enhanced EU maritime situational awareness, safety systems and operations, and cross-border collaboration.
Website link: