Vessel and voyage related information across the EU is shared among targeted users through the SafeSeaNet system, managed by EMSA. The information flows and system functionalities are designed to enhance maritime safety and security, as well as to boost the efficiency of maritime traffic and transport. EMSA works to provide the national administrations (port authorities, coastal stations, search and rescue, vessel traffic services, pollution response bodies, etc.) with 24/7 access to the system. EMSA also works alongside national authorities to ensure the interaction of their systems with SafeSeaNet, allowing it to serve as a European platform for maritime data exchange.
EMSA supports the reduction of the reporting burden on shipping through its work on the European Maritime Single Window. The Agency hosts, operates, and manages the European Union Long Range Identification and Tracking (LRIT) Cooperative Data Centre (EU LRIT CDC) and the European Union LRIT Ship Database (EU LRIT Ship DB) on behalf of the European Commission and participating countries, i.e., EU Member States, Norway, Iceland, Montenegro, Georgia, and Tunisia. EMSA also hosts, operates, and maintains the LRIT International Data Exchange (LRIT IDE) on behalf of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and SOLAS contracting governments.