this is emsa

"For twenty years we have been at the side of the European Commission and the Member States.
In that time, we have grown and developed to better adapt to the needs of those who use our services.
But our mission has never changed – to work towards a safe, secure, and sustainable maritime sector..."

Featured video: 'This is EMSA' (June 2022)

A selection of the EMSA videos can be found below. To explore all our videos and playlists visit the EMSA YouTube and social media channels.

Items Published
EMSA: our activities 10.10.2024
The Common Information Sharing Environment (CISE) 10.09.2024
EMSA: RPAS search and rescue exercise 02.02.2024
What does the Copernicus Maritime Surveillance Service (CMS) do? 17.01.2024
EMSA RPAS: emissions monitoring 04.12.2023
Alternative fuels and sources of power for shipping 28.11.2023
Traineeships at EMSA 27.04.2023
EMSA Highlights 2022 10.03.2023
Alternative fuels in shipping (biofuels and ammonia): EMSA reports 12.10.2022
European Maritime Safety Report (EMSAFE) 17.06.2022
This is EMSA 16.06.2022
Anniversary conference live broadcast 15.06.2022
EMSA - Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems 06.06.2022
20 years of EMSA - visits to EU Member States 07.02.2022
20 years of EMSA - IMS 06.01.2022
World Maritime Day 2021 30.09.2021
The European Maritime Transport Environmental Report (EMTER) 02.09.2021
EMSA 2020 Highlights 17.03.2021
EMSA and Space Technologies 13.01.2021
EMSA's 20th anniversary 05.01.2021

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