CISE - video tutorials

For stakeholders and interested parties, a series of promotional videos has also been developed to increase awareness among the stakeholder community and the general public about CISE.

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1Why do we need CISE in the EU maritime domain? Christos Economou, Deputy Director Maritime Policy and Blue Economy, and Head of Unit Sea Basin Strategies, Maritime Regional Cooperation and Maritime Security at the Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, European Commission

1Who can benefit from CISE? Krasiyana Nikolaeva, Head of Unit "Projects" at the Bulgarian Maritime Administration

1How can maritime information be shared through CISE? Franco Oliveri, Deputy Head of Transport and Border Security Unit at the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre

1How can maritime surveillance authorities benefit from CISE? Rear Admiral Benoit de Guibert, Deputy Secretary General at Sécrétariat général de la mer, France.

In addition, a range of tutorial videos has been developed.

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1Vessels of Interest (VOI) list operational service – an example of operational use of the VOI list service presented by Alexis Blum from the Secrétariat Général de la Mer (SGMer)

1Vessels of Interest (VOI) list operational service – an example of sharing of the EU IUU vessels list using the VOI list service presented by Rafael Duarte from the European Fisheries Control Agency

1Search & Rescue (SAR) operations & CISE – an example of a SAR operational scenario using CISE operational services presented by Heikki Kontro from the Finnish Border Guard