Operational specifications

This page contains information about the use of CISE in the operational activities of maritime surveillance authorities.

Operational Services

CISE stakeholders can make use of the common Operational Services. The Operational Services define a basic workflow of information exchange through CISE among stakeholders in addressing specific operational needs.

The following CISE Operational Services have been developed and agreed by the CISE Operational Working Group so far:

  • Vessel of Interest (VoI) list: To share a list of vessels with other EU maritime authorities/EU Agencies and be notified when a vessel or a number of vessels are detected or when any piece of information is available about them.
  • Risk Profile: To alert about risks in particular maritime geographical areas that may affect vessels, activities or the environment.
  • Event Reporting (Incident): To inform other EU maritime authorities/EU Agencies about events (e.g., incidents or sightings) occurring on board of vessels, seaborne or airborne assets, or at seas around Europe and beyond.
  • Request for Operational Assistance (Assets): To request operational assistance from other authorities/EU Agencies based on the availability of the latter’s assets (e.g., aerial or maritime assets).
  • Area of Interest (AoI): To gather additional information (e.g., presence of vessels of interest, detections of illegal activities, satellite imagery) in a specific area.

The detailed description of the Operational Services, including the baseline, the operational view and the CISE data model mapping are available for the CISE stakeholders in the restricted collaborative space.

Operational scenarios

The operational scenarios define the possible use of CISE by authorities when conducting a specific operation at sea. These could be for example: monitoring of a vessel suspected to be involved in goods trafficking, SAR operations, illegal fishing, etc.

The operational scenarios aim to help to better understand how CISE could be applied, and what should be implemented from the technical point of view to perform such scenarios during actual operations. In principle an operational scenario implements one or more CISE “Operational Services”. Each operational scenario includes:

  • The sequence of events describing the interactions between the authorities conducting a surveillance operation at sea,
  • A possible implementation of the operational scenario via CISE, including the CISE services and the data entities applied, based on the CISE Data and Service Model,
  • The type of CISE Operational Services used in a scenario.

Examples of the operational scenarios developed so far:

  • Protection of critical maritime infrastructures
  • Anti-drug trafficking operation
  • Sharing of EU IUU list
  • Search and rescue operation
  • Tackling illegal fishing
  • Illegal immigration
  • Pollution response
  • Pre-clearing customs operations
  • Pre-arrival security analysis
  • (the list is not exhaustive):

The full description of the operational scenarios is available for the CISE stakeholders in the restricted collaborative space.

Sea Basin approach

The Sea Basin approach aims at implementing information sharing plans through CISE among maritime authorities from different countries and sectors operating in a specific sea basin, namely: Adriatic Sea, Baltic Sea, Black Sea, Western, Central and Eastern Mediterranean Seas, North Sea, Atlantic Ocean. The overall goal is to enable different stakeholders’ Maritime Operational Centres to cooperate among them in addressing different maritime threats/challenges in a more effective and efficient way, and to increase their maritime domain awareness in their respective sea basins.

The level of priority of maritime threats/challenges to be addressed with the use of CISE may vary amongst the different sea basins, and can for example concern the protection of critical maritime infrastructure, tackling illegal trafficking activities, etc. For this reason, the stakeholders that belong to a specific sea basin can elaborate a joint strategy for sharing information.