CISE Operational Phase special launch event in Brussels

On 17 October, EMSA together with the European Commission’s DG MARE and CISE-ALERT Project, will hold the High-Level Event on the Common Information Sharing Environment for the Maritime Domain (CISE). The event celebrates the recently launched Operational Phase of CISE and focuses on the use of CISE in operations at sea!


CISE high level event

As of 1 July 2024, CISE has officially become operational, and is ready to be used by the EU/EEA authorities to facilitate maritime surveillance information sharing across different sectors and borders. The CISE high level event, planned on 17 October in Brussels, will provide the opportunity to  look at what has been achieved so far by all the involved stakeholders, and to reflect on the challenges ahead in the context of growing threats in the maritime domain.

The event agenda features the participation of high-level speakers representing EU and Member States maritime authorities who will reflect on:

  • the importance of CISE in maritime security and surveillance,
  • use cases of CISE in surveillance operations at sea, such as for example protection of critical maritime infrastructure, fight against illegal activities at sea, etc.,
  • the results of the CISE-ALERT Project, and of the operational trials carried out by the participating maritime authorities.

For detailed information, full agenda and to express your interest to attend in the event please visit: The registration closes on 4 October.

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