EMSA Academy 2024. Learning Services Catalogue
The purpose of this catalogue is to set out, in one document, the programmes that form the basis of EMSA’s learning services. The EMSA Academy has been established in order to provide learning services outside formal education to all beneficiary organization and individuals working in them. Beneficiary organizations include the EU Member States and countries in the European Economic Area (EEA), the European neighbouring countries, the EU candidate and potential candidate countries, EU and non-EU States members of the Paris MoU and any other third country for which the Agency has been requested by the European Commission to provide technical assistance.
The reference standard used to develop and implement relevant processes for the Agency’s training and capacity building activities, is ISO 29993:2017 and based on this standard the EMSA Academy Management System (AMS) has been developed and is implemented as the reference framework for all the training and capacity building activities that the Agency offers to its beneficiaries.