Lukasz Bibik – Senior Project Officer for Maritime Digital Services


"When working at EMSA I can contribute to the improvement of maritime safety and marine environment, by applying new technologies. This is something extremely satisfying and rewarding despite all the challenges that the fast pace of the ‘fourth industrial revolution’ brings. At EMSA’s Maritime Digital Services Unit I have a chance to collaborate closely with Member States and maritime industry experts, exchanging best practices, setting up innovative projects or finding new ways of working via automatization, for example in the area of Automated Behaviour Monitoring. I highly appreciate the positive, collaborative spirit we have built between EU Member States, the Industry and EMSA colleagues over years. Our Agency is a place where various, traditional maritime specialisations will find their way towards innovation, like in the area of the Integrated Maritime Services. This is also a place where continuous improvement of maritime digital services provided to the end-users takes place. I believe this is something that distinguish EMSA and provides a European dimension to the maritime digitalisation".