Provision of training sessions, workshops, seminars and meetings for IPA II

ipa coordination

During the first implementation period of the Project, in addition to the coordination meetings EMSA organised three (3) online training sessions and representatives from the beneficiaries were invited to attend four (4) online user groups meetings.

Amongst those were two training sessions of CleanSeaNet Training for Duty Officers for Albania and Montenegro; the 20th CSN User Group meeting, the Training on integrated Maritime Services (IMS), SafeSeaNet (SSN) Graphical User Interface (SEG) and Automated behaviour Monitoring (ABM); the 14th Consultative Technical Group Marine Pollution Preparedness and Response meeting; the 8th SSN/LRIT Group meeting and the 15th IMS Group Users consultation meeting

Following the outbreak of COVID-19 and its evolution, the Agency has taken the decision to hold all the meetings on-line as a virtual one using the available internet platforms. This approach proved to be a successful alternative to presential trainings and meetings. As such the above events were attended in total by 38 participants from the Beneficiary countries.

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