MAR-ICE service extended to SAFEMED V, BCSEA II and IPA III project beneficiaries

MAR ICE banner

EMSA, in close cooperation with the European Chemical Industry Council (Cefic) and the Centre of Documentation, Research and Experimentation on Accidental Water Pollution (Cedre, France), maintains a network of experts in the framework of the Marine Intervention in Chemical Emergencies Network (MAR-ICE service).

On request, these experts (MAR-ICE Network) can provide product-specific information and specialist advice on chemicals involved in maritime emergencies through remote means (MAR-ICE level 1).

EMSA is currently implementing three European Commission funded projects, namely SAFEMED V, Black and Caspian Sea II and IPA III. These projects are funded by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for the Middle East, North Africa, and the Gulf (DG MENA) and the Directorate-General for Enlargement and the Eastern Neighbourhood (DG ENEST) respectively.

To assist in widening the existing pollution response portfolio of the project’s beneficiary countries, the MAR-ICE Network was made available at the start of 2025 on a 24/7 basis to the beneficiary countries of the SAFEMED V, BC SEA II and IPA projects implemented by EMSA.

The MAR-ICE Network will contribute to raising the response capacity for marine pollution involving chemical products in the beneficiary countries. It can be accessed via a dedicated single “MAR-ICE contact point” and is based on the voluntary Intervention in Chemical transport Emergencies (ICE) network of the chemical industry, which provides a similar type of assistance for land-based chemical incidents.

Service offered by the MAR-ICE Network

National authorities of the beneficiary countries can now benefit from 24/7 access to a specialised expert, whom they can consult for professional information, documentation and advice on chemical products, and their associated risks, and who can support them with expert information and substance-specific advice during the response to chemical spills.

The service provides product and incident-specific information and advice on chemical products and their associated risks, within 1 hour from the written request, and more detailed information shortly thereafter. The information provided supports requesting countries in their decision-making process when dealing with chemical emergencies at sea, and may include the following:

Information provided within 1 hour

  • Safety data sheets (SDS) and Marine chemical information sheets (MAR-CIS data sheets).
  • Relevant data from international codes & regulations.
  • Relevant guidance documents

Information provided shortly after on a case-by-case basis

  • Additional information on product properties from a knowledgeable chemical company, if available

For cargoes spilled at sea

  • 2D or 3D drift and weathering models, indicating areas potentially impacted by the spill, if possible.

For containers

  • Assessment of the behaviour of a container lost at sea, if possible.
  • Advice on methods to locate and recover the containers.

For cargoes on board disabled vessels

  • Risk assessment for responders and the environment.
  • Advice on response methods and options.

MAR-ICE service activation and familiarisation

On 27 February 2025, EMSA, within the context of the capacity building services offered to the beneficiaries of SAFEMD V, BC SEA II and IPA III, has organised a dedicated online MAR-ICE familiarisation session. During the session experts from Cedre and EMSA provided detailed information on the service’s scope whilst explaining in detail the activation procedures. Twenty-four participants from thirteen IPA and ENP Beneficiary countries (Palestine, Ukraine, Tunisia, Lebanon, Georgia, Türkiye, Serbia, Montenegro, Albania, Morocco, Libya, Jordan, Moldova) attended the session.

The MAR-ICE service is included in the list of activities under the Sustainability competent of SAFEMED V, BC SEA II and IPA III projects aiming at strengthening the beneficiary countries’ capability to prevent pollution in their waters and along their coastlines.