Tag: News
Press Release: EMSA strengthens its network of oil spill recovery vessels in the Eastern Mediterranean
The European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) has signed a contract to provide pollution response capacity using the Limassol, Cyprus-based tanker Alexandria. The newly-contracted vessel considerably ...
A New Inspection Regime for PSC in all Paris MoU countries
Media Fact Sheet 02/2010. As part of its communication programme for 2010, EMSA has prepared this information article about the New Inspection Regime for port State control in the Paris MoU region. ...
Maritime safety: new EU rules to "name and shame" shipping companies with poor safety records
IP/10/1115 Brussels, 13 September 2010 Maritime safety: new EU rules to "name and shame" shipping companies with poor safety records New rules to enhance and improve the safety performance of ships ...
EU offers oil containment equipment to US
The EU offers oil containment equipment to contain oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico after a new US request Click. Yesterday evening US authorities requested additional equipment from the EU to help ...
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