Tag: Publications
Pollution Preparedness & Response Activities Report 2012
The European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) submits a report to the Commission and the Administrative Board, by 31 January each year, concerning the financial execution of the detailed plan (Action ...
Published31.01.2013CategoriesTags -
Technical Report - Discharge facilities for oil recovered at sea
This report is the main deliverable of the project "Study on discharge facilities for oil recovered at sea – Geographical distribution, technical challenges, solutions and alternatives related to ...
Published07.01.2013CategoriesTags -
Inventory of EU Member States Oil Pollution Response Vessels
The European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) has been given the task by Regulation (EC) No 721/2004 to "draw up on a regular basis a list of the private and state pollution response mechanisms and ...
Published19.07.2012CategoriesTags -
Damage stability of Ro-Pax vessels - Final Report [2011]
Ship safety standards are developed and set, at the international level, by the International Maritime Organization (IMO). They are subsequently implemented and enforced by both national maritime ...
Published07.05.2012CategoriesTags -
Technical Report - Safe Platform Study. Development of vessel design requirements to enter & operate in dangerous atmospheres
The objective of this project was to propose and describe vessel design requirements to enter hazardous environments and having the capability of performing various operational aspects during ...
Published02.04.2012CategoriesTags -
Pollution Preparedness & Response Activities Report 2011
The European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) submits a report to the Commission and the Administrative Board, by 31 January each year, concerning the financial execution of the detailed plan (Action ...
Blue Belt Pilot Project
Information notice for customs officials, ship owners, masters, agents and operators of ships calling at EU ports and participating in the Blue Belt pilot project.
Published13.04.2011CategoriesTags -
Multi-annual Funding Mid-term Report: EMSA’s Contribution
In accordance with the Regulation on the Multi-annual Funding of the Agency's pollution preparedness and response activities, a Mid-term Report will be submitted to the European Parliament and the ...
Published29.03.2011CategoriesTags -
Sharing the European Vessel Traffic Image and Beyond [leaflet]
Published09.06.2010CategoriesTags -
EMSA 5-Year Strategy
The development a strategic plan covering a 5 year perspective for EMSA was one of the conclusions of the evaluation of the Agency's activities. The relevant recommendation issued by the EMSA ...
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