Seafarers Training and Certification
Many EU registered ships are manned by seafarers who are not nationals of EUMany EU registered ships are manned by seafarers who are not nationals of EUmember states. To ensure that these crew members are appropriately educated andtrained, EMSA carries out inspections in the supplying countries. EMSA staff have beenconducting such inspections for over ten years, assessing their level of compliancewith the requirements of the IMO’s Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping. EMSA also runs the STCW information system. This systemcontains objective and comparable information on seafarers holding EU certificates/endorsements and therefore able to work on board EU registered ships. In 2020 EMSA will conduct up to four inspections to non-EU countries and up to five visits to EUcountries. A large-scale international workshop is also planned on the implementationof the IMO’s Maritime Labour Convention 2006 which sets out the rights of seafarersto decent working conditions. This workshop will be held together with the International Maritime Organisation and the International Labour Organisation to further the debatebetween the human element in ship safety and the maritime labour dimension.
Related Documents
- TRAINALTER - Study on the identification of specific competences for seafarers on ships using alternative fuels and energy systems
- Seafarer Statistics in the EU - Statistical review (2022 data STCW-IS)
- Seafarer Statistics in the EU - Statistical review (2021 data STCW-IS)
- Seafarer Statistics in the EU - Statistical review (2020 data STCW-IS)
- Seafarer Statistics in the EU - Statistical review (2019 data STCW-IS)
- Seafarer Statistics in the EU - Statistical review (2018 data STCW-IS)
- Seafarer Statistics in the EU - Statistical review (2017 data STCW-IS)
- Seafarer Statistics in the EU - Statistical review (2016 data STCW-IS)
- Seafarer Statistics in the EU - Statistical review (2015 data STCW-IS)
- Seafarer Statistics in the EU - Statistical review (2014 data STCW-IS)