

The Equasis system went live in May 2000 and since then has been collating and making available, free of charge, ship safety and quality-related information on the entire world merchant fleet on the Internet. It has gained an international reputation and is currently considered the most reliable open source of information on quality and safety-related data of the world merchant fleet.

Throughout all these years, and by providing factual data in a transparent way, thus allowing the users to form their own opinion about ships or their operators, Equasis has greatly contributed to the improvement of maritime safety and the quality of ships. Equasis today includes information on more than 85,000 ships, practically any merchant ship in service above 100 GT. This detailed information is retrieved from more than 50 data providers which regularly contribute data to Equasis. These include IMO, seven port State control regimes, EMSA, Classification Societies, P&I clubs, industry associations, private information and data suppliers, private vetting schemes and companies that offer information on trading areas.

EMSA hosts and maintains the Management Unit of Equasis, including a dedicated help deck ensuring the day-to-day operation of the project.

The data is accessible freely on the internet at http://www.equasis.org/
