Workshop materials & reports

Workshop materials & reports
Title Place Date Reports Documents
3rd Integrated Maritime Data Environment (IMDatE) User Consultation Meeting
Lisbon 08.11.2013
8th LRIT NCA meeting
Lisbon 07.11.2013
SSN Workshop 20
Lisbon 06.11.2013
SAFEMED III Seminar on Enforcement of Prohibition of Ship Source Pollution
Lisbon 29.10.2013
Workshop to address ISPS Code and Institutional Capacity
Lisbon 01.10.2013
Implementation of MARPOL Annexes I, II, III and V including latest amendments
Lisbon 16.09.2013
Euro-Mediterranea Transport Cooperation – 10th Meeting of the Maritime Working Group
Lisbon 11.09.2013
2nd SSN Interface Sub-group meeting
Lisbon 13.08.2013
1st SSN IMP Demonstration project Workshop
Rome 17.07.2013
1st SSN Interface Sub-group meeting
Lisbon 25.06.2013
Illegal Discharges Workshop
Lisbon 04.06.2013
1st Ad Hoc Working Group on Scrubbing Technology
Brussels 03.06.2013
3rd meetings of the expert groups on LNG
Brussels 04.12.2012
7th LRIT NCA meeting
Lisbon 24.05.2013
SSN Workshop 19
Lisbon 22.05.2013
3rd joint workshop on coordinated at-sea & shoreline pollution response
Lisbon 12.02.2013
The Use of Oil Spill Dispersants following the Deepwater Horizon Incident
Lisbon 26.11.2012
SSN-VMS synergies pilot - Final report
Lisbon 26.11.2012
EU States Claims Management Workshop
Lisbon 10.10.2012
IMDatE User Consultation Meeting #2
Lisbon 19.10.2012

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