EMSA Guidance on LNG Bunkering to Port Authorities/Administrations

2019 06 06 12 57 45 resized



A two-day training on LNG bunkering to Port Authorities was delivered by EMSA, at the Hellenic Ministry of Shipping and Island Policy in Piraeus, Greece from 28 to 29 May 2019.

The seminar was addressed to Port Authority executives as well as to the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Inland Policy and focused inter alia on the analysis of the institutional framework, the presentation of best environmental practices, safety and risk assessment and future trends in the use of alternative fuel in shipping.

The Secretary General of Ports and Maritime Investment Ports Christos Lambridis, at the beginning of the two-day seminar, thanked EMSA executives for their contribution to the transfer of know-how from the European and international practices to the executives of the Greek administration as well as the executives of General Harbor Ports Secretariat and Maritime Investment Ports Secretariat for the perfect organization of the seminar.

  • Piraeus Greece
  • Date


Training and Cooperation
Department B - Safety and Standards
Praça Europa 4
1249-206 Lisbon, Portugal

Tel: +351 21 1209 438
