SAFEMED IV Seminar on Enhacing your knowledge on STCW
In the framework of the EU funded project SAFEMED IV, EMSA hosted the seminar on 'Enhancing your knowledge on STCW' from 8 to 10 October 2019. Overall, 14 participants from Algeria, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia, attended the event.
This training focused on the key aspects of the Convention on Minimum Standards of Training and Certification and Watch-keeping and in a number of important changes to each chapter of the Convention and Code, amongst the amendments adopted in Manila in 2010, such as quality standards, education and training, assessment of competence and monitoring, on-board training, certification, revalidation and maintenance of the standard of competence, latest amendments, independent evaluation and communication of subsequent amendments.
The STCW Convention was signed in 1978 and aims to promote safety of life and property at sea and at protecting the marine environment by establishing in common agreement international standards of training, certification and watchkeeping for seafarers. The Convention contains basic requirements which were then enlarged upon and explained in the Code which is organized in two parts, a mandatory part and recommended guidance. In 2010 the Manila amendments were adopted in order to enable the Parties to increase their capacity to address challenges related with recent developments since the approval of the STCW Convention.
This training was an opportunity to support the effective implementation of the STCW Convention in compliance with the “post-Manila amendments scenario”, throughout the analysis of different case studies which enabled participants to exchange experiences and practices in the Mediterranean Region.
‘Enhancing your knowledge on STCW’ training allowed the signatory parties in the Mediterranean region to compare approaches, which contributes significantly to improving harmonisation of activities and strengthening cross-border cooperation.