Technical reports, studies and plans
EMSA produces and commissions technical reports and studies as necessary to facilitate more informed choices. Action plans and activity reports are regularly published by EMSA to keep its stake holders informed of the various developments relating to a specific project.
The Pollution Preparedness & Response activities of the European Maritime Safety Agency - Reports
The Pollution Preparedness & Response activities of the European Maritime Safety Agency -Report 2013 The European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) shall submit a report to the Commission and the ...
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Action Plan for response to marine pollution from oil and gas installations
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EU Member States' Places of Refuge Table Top Exercise 'Ocean Traveller' (2013)
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Second review and evaluation of the MAR-ICE Network covering its operation from January 2011 to June 2013
The MAR-ICE Network was created in 2008 through a 3-Party Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the European Chemical Industry Council (Cefic), the Centre of Documentation, Research ...
Final report of the EMSA commissioned study on standards and rules for bunkering of gas-fuelled ships (by Germanischer Lloyd) – OP/06/2012
The objective of this report to provide a detailed description of the existing rule framework related to LNG bunkering. This report provides recommendations for possible common EU wide guidelines ...
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Pollution Preparedness & Response Activities Report 2012
The European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) submits a report to the Commission and the Administrative Board, by 31 January each year, concerning the financial execution of the detailed plan (Action ...
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Technical Report - Discharge facilities for oil recovered at sea
This report is the main deliverable of the project "Study on discharge facilities for oil recovered at sea – Geographical distribution, technical challenges, solutions and alternatives related to ...
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Study on the Delivery of Ship-generated Waste and Cargo Residues to Port Reception Facilities in EU Ports
The final report of the study on the Delivery of Ship-generated Waste and Cargo Residues to Port Reception Facilities in EU Ports has just been published online. This study, carried out by ...
Damage stability of Ro-Pax vessels - Final Report [2011]
Ship safety standards are developed and set, at the international level, by the International Maritime Organization (IMO). They are subsequently implemented and enforced by both national maritime ...
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Technical Report - Safe Platform Study. Development of vessel design requirements to enter & operate in dangerous atmospheres
The objective of this project was to propose and describe vessel design requirements to enter hazardous environments and having the capability of performing various operational aspects during ...
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