2007 Information & Communication Plan
The objective of this plan is to describe the main information and communication activities in 2007. The main objective of the EMSA external communications activities, in general, is shown in Article 4(2) of founding regulation (EC) No 1406/2002, which states that 'the Agency may communicate on its own initiative in the fields within its mission. It shall ensure, in particular, that the public and any interested party are rapidly given objective, reliable and easily understandable information with regard to its work.' Overall, the elements and tools generated should provide stakeholders with the best possible information on the activities of EMSA, having fully taken into account the Agency's tasks and objectives and the information and communication requirements in the founding regulation. It is vital that EMSA's stakeholders understand its goals, and perceive the Agency as a well qualified technical body which meets them effectively and efficiently. This plan has been generated with these things in mind