Overview of the maritime administrations working with EMSA
On 3 June 2004, the European Commission requested technical input from the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) to support new legislative proposals on maritime safety.
Subsequently, a report was prepared to show how EU member states had organised their maritime administrations and how the respective bodies had implemented their obligations under the international conventions and EU legislation, relating to safety at sea and pollution prevention from ships. Information about Icelandic and Norwegian maritime administrations was also included.
Since the first delivery of this report in 2004, the number of EU member states has grown from 25 to 28 (Bulgaria and Romania joined the European Union on 1 January 2007, and Croatia joined on 1 July 2013).
New pieces of legislation have also come into force at international and European level which in some cases have led to changes in the organisation of certain EU maritime administrations.
Following these changes, the report was updated by EMSA in cooperation with members states in 2007, 2010 and 2014.
The 2014 version for each member state contains the following:
- Contact points
- Status of Conventions
- IMO Audit Scheme
- STCW Recognitions
- Recognised Organisations & functions delegated
- Performance and composition of the fleet
- Number of surveyors & investigators
- Port Reception Facilities
EMSA provides technical assistance in the field of maritime safety, security and marine pollution to enlargement countries, SAFEMED III and TRACECA II beneficiary countries on the basis of "ad hoc" projects funded by the European Commission preparing them to fulfil the obligations stemming from membership in the field of maritime safety, security and pollution (enlargement countries) and from the international conventions in the field of maritime safety to which they are party to (SAFEMED III and TRACECA II countries).
In order to achieve this aim EMSA's activities are focused on assisting beneficiary countries with the implementation of the relevant international and EU legislation and building the necessary administrative capacity, in order to effectively draft, enforce and implement this legislation.
Among the key indicators of the progress made and the effectiveness of the assistance provided by EMSA are for instance the organisation and functioning of the flag administration, including authorisation of Recognised Organisations (RO's), the fleet performance, the adoption, enforcement and implementation of international maritime legislation, availability of adequate resources for carrying out surveys, inspections and accident investigations.
Since the report EMSA compiles for the EU Member States is based on these indicators the Agency considered useful to extent the overview to include the enlargement, SAFEMED III and TRACECA II countries.